Discount Code: VODA10
Expiry Date: 30th April 2025
How to Claim
  1. Simply click on BOOK NOW to be directed to the Footee website.
  2. Once you make a booking, a staff member will be in touch.
  3. Present your phone with a screenshot of the discount and discount code above on arrival before making payment to avail of the discount.
  4. Enjoy!
Offer Terms and Conditions
  1. Vodafone customers must pre-book in advance to avail of this discount.
  2. Vodafone customers must show a screenshot of the discount on arrival.
  3. This discount is for a 10% off a family pass (2+2) and includes ball rental.
  4. This discount is for Footgolf only.
  5. This discount is valid until 30 April 2025.
General Terms and Conditions
  1. This offer/discount entitles Vodafone customers to the offer/discount listed above.
  2. By availing of this offer/discount you are accepting the offer terms and conditions and general terms and conditions
  3. This offer/discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, promotions or already discounted product.
  4. This offer/discount is open to Vodafone customers only.
  5. This offer/discount is valid until the expiry date listed above.
  6. This offer/discount is non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash or goods. Cash value €0.001c.
  7. The Promoter can accept no liability for loss or damage to personal possessions or injuries or other incidents to customers which may occur in connection with this promotion.
  8. The Promoters decision in respect of any matter concerning this promotion is final and shall be binding on all participants. No correspondence will be entered into.
  9. The Promoter and/or subsidiaries, agents and associates will not be responsible if any establishment breaches its contract, however we will make reasonable efforts to secure compliance.
  10. The Promoter is Vodafone Ireland and the Administrator is Sweete, PO Box 12948, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.